01 October 2009

Things We Take For Granted

Every day of our lives we take things for granted, some things more than others, but for me, it was a case of gross misconduct. You see, every weekend for the past 30 years it was right there in front of me and I never really gave it much thought, despite the fact it was a big part of who I was and what I did, both as a player and journalist. As a matter of fact it wasn't until recently that I finally figured it out. This year I'm the head coach of my youngest son’s 90 pound Pop Warner football team and one of the requirements of being the head coach is that on a given Wednesday night my staff and I are expected to line our home field and repaint all the end zones, numbers, coaches’ boxes, yard lines and hash marks. WHO KNEW! as a player the grass was always neatly cut and the field freshly painted when we arrived. We just showed up, dressed up and played on it. Well, as I spent several hours guiding the motorized painter around the field that night, I thought back to all the hard working people who used to do this for me and my teammates and gained a whole new respect for them. So with that in mind, thank you to all the grounds crews and care takers for their time and hard work spent prepping those football fields week in and week out during the season.

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